Hope you're having a great day in beautiful Toronto!All nice et flattering but I started asking the basic-trio of questions: jd? pay? location?I recently reviewed your previous conversations with G00gle recruiters including previous interviews with us. I'd love to check in and learn how everything is going with your current work at XYZ.
Are you available for a quick call this week or next? No pressure - it's totally informal! (I'm part of a specialized group here at G00gle which focuses on speaking with engineers and scientists who are top performers and happy in their current roles, therefore not necessarily looking for new roles.)
This seems to have thrown them for a loop [got ping-ponged between two internal recruiters], especially the jd as apparently they feed the candidates to some sort of recruiting pool.
Being that I am employed and have no particular burning wish to become a G00gle minion I insisted on jd and the trail got cold. I expect to hear from them in 5 years.