I've applied yesterday to a job on Workopolis which dealt with network virtualisation (space I am in at the moment). The posting was not specific as to the location (1st red flag).
Today I've got called by the recruiter who posted the ad, and he was based in Ottawa. He asked a few questions and wanted me to customarily embellish my Resume to look good to his client. Also he indicated that the job was in Ottawa and f/t (2nd red flag).
Then he says "Let's set up a Skype interview tomorrow".
Me says "Sure, with whom? Who's the client?"
He says "With me. I need to build a profile of yours." (3rd red flag).
Me says "I am on the phone with you let's chat".
The arsehole insisted that he must, he must Skype me which for a recruiter in general is a weird thing to do, however Canadian recruiters haven't got past the 1st chapter of "Being a Recruiter for Dummies".
The only thing I could do was to indicate it's a waste of time (having dealt with 100s of recruiters in my time) and bade him farewell. I was lucky he did not want me to move my carcass to Ottawa for a face-to-face with him.