Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hotlist? Spam?

Got this never seen before weird plea for help cum inducement from some random puke. The "CANSPAM" footer is even more interesting: we may virus you but eff-off and don't call back. Nevermind the fact that the retard spammed me on a .CA address hosted in Canada and US Bill 1618 does not apply here.
Subject: Need Hotlist


Please share hotlist and add this email to your distribution
list. I have so many direct client requirements at hand.


Note: We respect your Online Privacy. This is not an
unsolicited mail. Under Bills 1618 Title III passed by
the 105th U.S. Congress, this mail cannot be considered
Spam as long as we include contact information and
a method to be removed from our mailing list. To be
removed from our mailing list, please reply with
"REMOVE" in the subject line and your email address
in the body. Include Complete Address and/or
Domain/Aliases to be removed. We sincerely regret
any inconvenience. The recipient should check this
email and any attachments for the presence of viruses.
The company accepts NO liability for any
damage caused by any virus transmitted by this