Thursday, July 30, 2020

Most Useless Job Board?

Of the majors when it comes to applying for jobs:

  1. I might have hooked a job on mônster.{ca,com}
  2. I have hooked a job on mô
  3. Nada on dï
  4. LïnkedIn nada con niente.
  5. I did clinch a job on but that was in France and I took a 55% pay cut for the privilege.
Of the majors' "private email" channels of communication:
  1. mônster.{ca,com}: mostly offshored pukes trying to land me on "H1-B minimum wage" (aka. $45/h) in the Bay area.
  2. LïnkedIn: got some calls from bona-fide ones.
On the recruiter's side: my recruitress buddy prefers LïnkedIn (as she has a recruiter's account).

Historically Canada's Workopolïs declined into a recruitors' hangout and now is just a cesspit.

Ïndeed & somesuch are basically just Resume fishing holes for who-knows-what purpose.

So to me of the majors Dïce takes the cookie. Its only use nowadays is to monitor in real time recruitors' feeding frenzies, and it's mostly t he bottomfeeding agencies.
