Sunday, May 11, 2008

Recruiters' Capital Sins (Part 5)

A company called Beacon e-mailed me. They addressed me as "UNIX" (which is part of my e-mail address).

These low-lifes are not even using a human to do the Ctrl+F thing, they simply have some sort of a bot that prowls the web for resumes.

But I suppose they would being that they extol these virtues on their website:

  • "Leading edge internet recruiting techniques which dramatically extend your company's reach, ensuring both quality and volume in your candidate pipeline"

  • "Access to our deep, talented network of contract recruiting professionals"

The name of the sin is pure spamming.

May 21 update: a co-worker tells me that some recruiters want MS-Word instead of PDF so they can change the Resume and pass it to the employers. He advises me to password-protect the Resumes I send out. Good bit.


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