Thursday, September 5, 2013

On hiding things in plain sight from "Control-F Recruiters™"

Lately I've been called by recruiters who ControlEffed and latched on small/unimportant/unsavoury bits of work from my past.

So I've been going to great lengths to disguise the baggage -- I have morphed the skills into:

  • Andrōid [they think I do mobile apps when I've done kernel/NDK stuff],
  • ÄS/400 [spawn of Sātan],
  • Javā [I only care about the emebbed/runtime side of it, they want EE Struts/Hibernate sh*t],
  • PĤP,
  • M$ TFŠ [the other spawn of Satān]
If they actually read the document with their own eyes they will find the stuff otherwise automated searching be dāmned.
