Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Will Answer G00gle Queries Radio-Yerevan Style!

[If you wondering about Radio Yerevan check out the article on Wikipedia.]

From recruiters:

Q: funny life of recruiter
Q: like to experience being on the other side of the fence (being the recruiter)
A: It's crap. People lie all the time about their qualifications/accomplishments and most likely you have no technical expertise to weed them out!

Q: opening lines for corporate recruiting
Q: best opening lines for a recruiter
A: If you are a recruiter be normal, brief, open and honest. Candidates will appreciate your lack of BS.

About recruiters:

Q: recruiters pushy
Q: [why job] recruiters are annoying
A: Some are, mostly the incompetent ones.

Q: are it recruiters useless
A: Alas 66.666% of them are as they have no technical background.

Q: why do recruiters send me jobs that i am not a match for
A: Because they use Ctrl-F to search for keywords and not read one yotta of what you wrote there.

Q: why do some recruiters meet face to face before representing you
A: In my experience this afflicts mostly Canadian recruiters. Basically if it sez so in "Recruitering for Dummies" they must follow it! Or they have a corporate policy set by a Chief Something-or-Another Officer who read "Recruitering for Dummies" which is much worse.

Q: sweet talk to recruiter for employment application
A: Everybody does it but don't lie. It serves no purpose.

About W0rk0polis (Kennadian special):

Q: W0rk0polis resume formatting is terrible
Q: W0rk0polis resume review shows wrong format
Q: why W0rk0polis resume looks so bad
Q: why does W0rk0polis fuck up your formatting
Q: sometimes on W0rk0polis it's hard to a upload resume
Q: how to format a resume for W0rk0polis
Q: uploading resume to W0rk0polis expectations
A1: Abandon all hope ye who enter. Their MS-Word Resume parser is utter garbage!
A2: W0rk0polis is nowadays haunted only by Canadian recruiters.

Q: posting still up on W0rk0polis and have not been called yet for an interview
A: Me too! I must be doing something wrong!

Q: what do recruiter hits on W0rk0polis mean
A: Nada! Nix! Niente!

About M0nster

Q: will my m0nster resume be spammed by recruiters
Q: posting resume on m0nster tons of recruiters
A1: Yes! Definitely! Publish your cell number if you want to have serious fun! Be mindful that US/Canada have 31/2 timezones and they will call you from the opposite coast!
A2: For added fun if you are in Canada post on M0nster.CA and have fun being spammed by US recruiters!


Q: recruiter fucks recruit xxx
A: This must be a pr0n query but it is funny any way your read it.
