Monday, June 16, 2008

Law of Unintended Consequences

A.P. quotes my blog in a blog comment and says:

From a candidate perspective, we are viewed more
and more as a necessary evil (see [link to my
] for an example of this) while from a
client perspective - especially since the
introduction of the internet and job boards
such as, we are viewed as paper
pushers (resumes) and shotgun hunters (throw
it against the wall and see if it sticks).
IMO he is one of the few recruiters that has achieved a high level of sentient-ness and he understands his station in life.

I looked at my visitation logs and I've seen him a few times. Now I can put a name on an IPv4 address ;) He has his own website & blog and seems to care about us grunts who use his services.

Re: necessary evil recruiters are a step forward from using newspapers and newsgroups (, etc) to hunt for jobs. Some small companies who know better [or are cheap] don't use jobs boards and recruiters, they will post on local newsgroups, but that's a secret.

I did not intend this blog as a tool or mirror for recruiters but based on usage patterns seems to be just that. Maybe I should install an anti-recruiter filter that upon detection replaces the blog content with
Eenie Minnie Minie Moe / No job here off you go!
and turns his computer into Stilton cheese ;)


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