Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Corporate Recruiters vs. Agency/Freelance Recruiters

It just dawned on me that there are two categories of recruiters:
1. agency/freelance ones who bombard companies with requests for positions and then go find candidates;
2. the corporate ones who are part of the HR.

In general one can discuss money and other things with the former (you may recall that I blogged about one who was holier than thou about this).

The latter ones are a bit less useful as they prefer to hide behind the finger and decline all talks about $$$ referring me to the offer phase if any.

This is a unadulterated waste of time on my side as generally I have to waste half a day to two days to get to their premises and charm the snakes only to find out in the end that the pay is pitiful.

Yet recently I stumbled on one of the latter kind who said that he took notice of the line in my Resume warning about no calls under 120k and that altho he cannot go into details the sum is the pay level at his three-letter company.


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