Tuesday, May 6, 2008

NAS/FreeBSD in Pittsburgh

S.B. of Pittsburgh, PA writes:

The company is a well-known, well established, company
located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (voted “Most
Liveable” city). It offers competitive salary +
benefits + relocation assistance.

I asked what's the salary and S.B's feathers got ruffled:

Actually this company - for Pittsburgh - pays
beyond what most technical companies pay their engineers.

I'm not sure if this is cultural, but it is not
appropriate to ask that question up front.

Well I could not resist replying to that:

First the question is fair. Plus I've been around the
block a few times (10 years in business) so I know
precisely what the interviewing etiquette is.

It's cultural all right: some recruiters/companies
would have one do umpteenth interviews only to reveal
at the end that they want to go as cheap as possible
and pay below industry average.

It's the culture of "time well spent" on my side.
Therefore its is unbelievably appropriate to ask that

As for the Pittsburgh locale they have to compete
with employers/wages found elsewhere so if they want
to attract good people their pay levels should be
sensibly similar.

Later she became a bit more reasonable but still pushing recruiters' BS:

Our Client ultimately makes its offers based on a
candidate's years of experience, and their salary

I understand you don't want to waste your time,
and I appreciate that.

Translation: Client will pay the least they can get away with. But don't they all want that?


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