Some recruiters (especially from outsourcing agencies) call on the phone and following their script they say "I am X from [agency] Y and I have an opportunity. I have a few questions for you".
If you interrupt them and say "Where?" or "What's the pay rate?" they get confused and you have to repeat the question. Their poor command of English and crappy VoIP telephone lines don't help either.
So you end up wasting five minutes on the phone trying to extract relevant information from the drone to find out in the end that they want you to move to Silicon Valley and be paid at 60% of market value. Some even try to bargain with you. Yuck.
Five minutes don't seem like a lot of time but if you get this three or four times a day it adds up to a lot of irritation.
Now, telemarketers are in my opinion a lesser evil because one can use, utter to them the magic words "Put this number on your do not call list" or simply not answer a call with a withheld number.
One does not have these options with this kind of recruiters. One can tell them not to call but they don't have a master list so you can get a call from another drone of the same agency the next day.
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