Today she elaborated:
It's not recruiters people hate... The job function of a
recruiter is essential.
There are just so many people that should have never gotten
into the staffing industry in any way that end up bouncing
around to different recruiting firms for a few months each
before being let go.
And they are the ones that do the THINGS that make people
think they "hate recruiters": sending the irrelevant
emails, etc.
Myself I have no feelings of this kind, I find them a necessary evil. As to her comment: if it walks like like a duck and quacks like a duck for me it is still a recruiter, in other words she is right but unfortunately the bottom line is the same for me.
However unlike most people I have no problem being rude to them (to the extreme if need be) when they exhibit one or more of the Capital Sins that I describe in this blog.