Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Recruiter's Predatory Tactic

Something that irritates me up the wall is when a recruiter calls into the company PBX and then connects to my extension by randomly looking up my name, e.g. spells blindly "2582" [not my actual extension].

Then he/she asks "May I speak to X Y [my name]?" and starts BS-ing me.

This makes me postpone setting up my voicemail until my manager reads me the riot act which is usually three months.

But this is pointless of him/her as I have always been a grunt, never had a customer-facing job (except once at an ISP) and family, friends and recruiters call me on my cell phone.

Jun 13 update: In a moment of sincerity a senior manager once told me that when he wants to get rid of a undesirable f/t subordinate he doesn't fire him (as this can be costly in Canada) but he calls up a recruiter buddy and tells the recruiter to lure the undesirable away on another job thus making him leave on his own steam.

That's another reason why I never take recruiters' calls at work.


P.S. I never give out my work phone number except for work-related reasons. Cell phones are good as an excuse ("my battery was dead") and can be ignored at will.